Commercial Light and Heavy vehicles have always been very important part of the Australian economy. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian freight vehicles moved an estimated 214,789 million tonne-kilometres (tkm) of freight across Australia’s road network in 2017-18.
Being on rough Australian roads for most of the time, these vehicles have their own set of requirements and challenges for lighting.
Some of the challenges faced by operators include:
1. Lighting Connections
Unlike smaller vehicles, often lights are mounted on the exterior of the vehicle. This means that the lighting is sometimes not protected by the vehicle’s bodyworks. They are directly subjected to any environmental hazard because of this direct exposure.
2. High Vibration Environment
The lights mounted on such vehicles undergo large shocks with constant on and off dumping of load especially the ones mounted on the rear. The lights are more likely to get damaged because of that reason and need to be changed regularly.
3. Length of Travel
Compared to a smaller 4×4 vehicle, heavy vehicles stay on the road for longer. Travelling more Km’s means that the lights are used for longer periods.
4. Heavy Regulations
Since the industry is one of the most heavily regulated sectors, vehicles are inspected more often. Hence it is important for vehicles to be in good condition especially the lighting otherwise it can lead to a hefty fine.
5. Maintenance Costs
Longer periods of use can lead to a short life span especially with cheap LED lights. Small damage or a light not working will mean that the vehicle cannot be driven leading to costly downtime for the operator.
These challenges might sound alarming, but they can be simply solved by switching to quality LED Lights. The advantage of having LED Lights on your commercial vehicle are:
STEDI LED Lights are designed, engineered, and manufactured to meet compliancy regulations. They are rigorously tested to meet the requirements of any heavy commercial vehicle.

STEDI LED Lights draw less power than most halogen lights or other brands. This results in less strain on the machine battery as they are protected against voltage and current surge. Additionally, saving more power for other applications such as GPS, any on board computers without having any affect on the alternator.
Light Distribution
STEDI’s Mine Spec range has ultra-wide beam with best performance and rugged design that does not let you fall short of visibility. The 45° of flood beam to give you a wide-angle of light to work under and a usable 132m at 1 Lux.

Long Life/Durability
Compared to the weak fragile filaments and sensitive electrodes of halogen lights, STEDI LED’s use solid state construction so there are no breakable bulbs. These lights have dynamic thermal management regulator which allows a fluid 24 hour a day 7 days per week operation.
Lighter on the pocket:
STEDI lights offer reduced energy use, prevent downtime, loss of revenue and lead to reduced running costs.

Reduced Maintenance:
STEDI Lights are designed with the soul intent to handle extreme work environments. They come with inbuilt shock dampers to absorb the harshest vibrations that most heavy vehicles undergo. Moreover, the Mine Spec Range is shock proof, waterproof and UV shielded. Coated with anodized powder makes them abrasion resistant. These lights help reduce unnecessary costs along with the machine downtime due to lighting repairs.

Reduced Eye Fatigue:
Most STEDI LED Lights for heavy machinery emit a light between the range of 5000 – 60˚K color temperature. This is near to the colour spectrum of the mid-day sun, which allows human eye to see and function better causing less fatigue.
For over 50 years, TL Engineering has earned its position as a leader of the Western Australian motor vehicle body building and vehicle modification industry. TL core values are built on a name you can trust for innovation and high quality. It takes experience and dedication to refine your products and services – something TL is known for when it comes to engineering solutions for Mining & Fleet vehicles that are built to exceed WA’s harsh environmental conditions. When you are next considering your LED Auxiliary Lighting needs – ask the TL sales team to include STEDI lights on your build!