High quality new strong custom-designed lift-off ute canopy made in Perth by TLX to fit your ute, is for sale at affordable 2022 prices.
Our genetic code comes from commercial/industrial fabrication materials and processes as part of TL Engineering. The finish is both stylish and hard-wearing. Our customers have helped shape the design. This LC 79 build brings it all together for a very pleased owner.

The new lift-off ute canopy features a water filler, 76MM Tube, double Lift Off points, Commercial Grade door weather seals.

3MM high strength alloy sheeting is used throughout. The strength of the canopy allows for roof mounted accessories such as roof racks, roof bars or rooftop tents, using the Unistrut rail mounting system which is standard on all TLX ute canopies.

Integrate undertray drawer is secure and weather proofed with a double locking system. 1200MM length leaves room for a 70L water tank mounted under the tray.

TLX ute canopies are available as Lift Off style and Chassis Mount. Check out the 2 demo vehicles at our showroom to see for yourself.